Here's Tessa. Don't you wish you were six years old with no top teeth at Christmas time?
The young man realized he had reached a new low in a whole season of low points when he caught himself day-dreaming of eating the same slop which he was feeding to the pigs. The days when he ate his fill at his father’s well-stocked table seemed like an eternity ago. The bulging money bag that had attracted so many friends and had funded so many extravagances had run dry without so much as a warning. As his gaze fell upon the dirty rags he wore, he recalled how that, at one time, he had worn clothing that marked him as the son of a wealthy man. How very foolish he had been to demand his inheritance and leave his father!
Tears came to his eyes as he reflected on his father’s love and generosity. And, suddenly, a new resolve arose within his heart. He would return to his father, beg forgiveness for his rebellion, and take his place among the common servants. Maybe, just maybe, his father would accept him back! Could he even dare to hope?
As he neared home, imagine his surprise when his father ran to meet him and then warmly embraced him. As the young man began the repentance speech he had likely rehearsed over and over again, the father seemed to be preoccupied with other matters. “Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate…” (Luke 15:22-23).
The best robe??? Surely we must wear our sinful rags for awhile longer. Surely we have to do penance of some sort for our sin. Surely we should start at the bottom again and work our way back into good standing. Surely not! Praise God for His garments of grace!
God loves you!