For the past several months when we visit WinCo one of the twins normally asks if we can buy a coconut. Well, yesterday i gave in. We brought it home and they patiently waited for me to be "ready". After some internet research on how to crack it we jumped in with both feet. They tasted the coconut water (so-so) and an hour or so later tasted coconut milk. Neither one of them was overly impressed. One more hour and the coconut came out of the oven (it was 10 p.m. by this time) and was cooled and bagged. It was good coconut, but i wouldn't say it was ~that~ much better than what i can buy. Might be awhile before i can be talked into buying another one. At least until they break the coconut halves they are both playing with!
What does your family do instead of Halloween? I am trying to start a new tradition with it, instead of the old trick or treat standby...
i remember when you got a coconut for us when we lived in denver. hehe!
oh, there's your costume party for the twinners.. ;) where they can be a ballerina and a princess.. lol
Well, aren't you the cool Mama. "Mama's great, she give us coconut! Mama's great, she give us coconut..."
Hey Kendy,
I have another question that for ya...the scripture Psalms 139 v.14 says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." What do you think the "fearfully" means? I have been meditating on this verse today and how it speaks to my heart for myself, and in raising girls in a culture that has such great emphasis on the outward appearance. I am going to blog about it over at my blog later. Just wanted to get your 2 cents on fearfully.
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