Saturday, October 13, 2007

Garage Sale Day

It was a beautiful day to have a garage sale. We live in an ideal location for that sort of thing. Translated - lots of traffic passes by our house. We merely put up a sign when we wanted to start and took it down when we were done. We had people from 9:00 till 4:30! My son and daughter in law made over $100! I made around $10. Doesn't seem fair does it? However it gave me the chance to clear out the junk and make a bit of garage sale money for next weeks finds........ Most of the stuff that didn't sell is already loaded in the suburban and ready to drop off at hospice. ahhhhhh it was a good, tiring day.


The Harris Family said...

Yeah Kendy!
Welcome to blog world! We have a lot of fun with ours. Sounds like you had a great day with your garage sale, see you in the morning! xoxoxo

The Harris Family said...

How fun for you guys! I know Michelle already commented, but I had to get my say in as well.

My parents did garage sales when I was growing up (they still have them). I never liked having garage sales. I think it is the idea of people picking up your stuff and feeling it, assessing its value, then either buying it or rejecting your stuff. Because of my bias against them we've NEVER had a garage sale. It totally doesn't make sense does it. It is one of those irrational things I have (one of many.) If Michelle wanted to have one, it would have to be without me. Some people love them, my parents included (and my sister).

Welcome to blog world. I'll have to add you to our delicious account. We love you guys.


lissa said...

awww poor mom, only made $10... :( but remember, you got our 33 smackaroos too haaaaaaaaha... even tho.. uhm.. technically you didn't get them......... because it was to pay for something that you had to pay.. and... anyway.....
nice blog! hehe