Monday, February 6, 2023

The World's Dirtiest Man

Just when you think you have heard it all…  Here was a headline from this past week: WASH TRAGEDY ‘World’s dirtiest man’ dies aged 94 just months after finally taking his first shower in more than 60 YEARS. “Amou Haji was dubbed the ‘World’s Dirtiest Man’ for his bathroom-dodging ways. Apart from an aversion to soap and water, the Iranian was otherwise healthy, despite only eating uncooked porcupine roadkill and drinking dirty water from puddles out of a rusty oil can. He also had a fondness for smoking animal dung out of an old pipe as well as four cigarettes at once. Earlier this year neighbors persuaded him to have a shower after telling him not washing made it difficult to make friends or find a girlfriend…Amou also attracted the interest of scientists interested in studying what type of lifeforms might have taken up home on his body.

But they were surprised to find he hadn’t suffered from any bacteria or parasites apart from trichinosis, a bacteria that comes from eating raw meat and causes a common infection. Tests for HIV and hepatitis all came up negative as well.”*

            The pictures of Mr. Haji accompanying the article bore testimony to the title “World’s Dirtiest Man.”  As repulsive as the pictures were, it got me to wondering what a Holy God sees when He views us prior to forgiveness.  How repulsive we must have been mired in the dirt of our sin!  But God offers cleansing for even the dirtiest sinner.  David, who keenly felt the grime of his own transgressions (Psalm 51:3-5), appealed to the God Who could wash him and make him “whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7; cf. Isaiah 1:18).  Jesus gave himself so that His bride, the church, could be cleansed and made perfect before Him, without any spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:25-27).

            Thank you, Lord, for washing away the filth of my sin.  Thank you for making my spiritual robes white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:13-14).


God loves you!



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