Friday, February 2, 2024

If You Need A Law, Make One Up

The incredible design and complexity of the world around us has long been one of the more powerful evidences for God. Whether you are talking about the intricacies of the DNA sequence or all of the minute factors that have to line up for life to exist on our planet, it all points to a Creator.  Even known laws of science attest to the observable fact that closed systems, left to themselves, move toward greater disorder and loss of information instead of higher order and information (i.e. the second law of thermodynamics). All of this has been problematic for those who cannot accept the existence of a Designer.

But never fear! If observable and testable scientific laws and principles cannot provide the backing you need for your theories, feel free to make up your own.  A recent article makes a bold claim: “Scientists Unveil A ‘Missing Law’ Of Nature That Explains How Everything In The Universe Evolved, Including Us.”* What I would really like to have explained is “How can you unveil something that is missing?” It sounds much like the “missing link” of evolution that has been touted long and loud by evolutionists but which they mysteriously have never been able to produce.  Hmmm…

Here is a quote from one of the scientists promoting the new “law”: ““We see, in the universe, so much richness and complexity, so many evolving systems, and yet we don't seem to have a law of nature that adequately describes why those systems exist,” Wong told Motherboard in a call.” Well, if you don’t have the “law” you need, make one up. Kudos to Wong for admitting the “richness and complexity” of the world around him.  But nevermind that this newly suggested “scientific law” contradicts other firmly established scientific laws.

The efforts of those committed to denying the existence of God knows no boundaries.  If they have to unveil a mysterious, unprovable new “natural law” to advance their cause, so be it. Whatever it takes, right?

God loves you!



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