“A rare 237-year-old privately held copy of the US Constitution sold for $9M at auction yesterday. The artifact is one of 100 official copies printed in 1787 and is among eight copies known to exist today that were sent to state leaders for review before being formally adopted. Seven of the eight copies are held by public institutions. See photos here. The sold Constitution was discovered in 2022 inside a metal filing cabinet in a neglected room of a property in Edenton, North Carolina, once owned by the state's first governor, Samuel Johnston. Johnston, who was governor from 1787 to 1789, oversaw the state convention that ratified the Constitution. The copy was also found with a letter from George Washington asking for ratification. The last copy of the Constitution sent to states was sold for $400 in 1891. The last copy of the Constitution sent to delegates (one of 14 known copies) was sold to billionaire investor Kenneth Griffin for a record $43.2M in 2021, who outbid cryptocurrency group ConstitutionDAO” (1440 Daily Digest, Oct. 18, 2024).
While an original copy of the US Constitution is undoubtedly a valuable document, I would guess that most of us currently own several copies of the most valuable document ever printed right now. What document is that, you ask? Why, the Bible of course! But someone may object by saying, “Bibles can be purchased all day long for only a few dollars or even acquired free of charge. That doesn’t sound like a valuable document to me.” But what makes the Bible so valuable is not the paper and ink on which it is printed. The value is in the word of God that the Bible contains. Within the pages of Scripture, we find priceless information and instruction from God about the very destiny of our souls. What could possibly be more valuable?
In Psalm 119:127, the author claims to love God’s commandments “...above gold, yes above fine gold.” Would someone be able to look at my life and see the same commitment to God’s words?
God loves you!
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