Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Kingdom Fitness

“My Wife and I recently tried out a new gym. A new Planet Fitness opened in our neighborhood and we thought we would check things out. During the tour, (think sales pitch) we kept hearing the same phrase over and over again; “We are a judgment free zone.”

“Planet Fitness prides itself on providing a judgment free fitness experience. A place where anyone at any level can come and begin their fitness journey. The phrase was printed on brochures featuring athletes with optimal bodies. It appeared in large letters above the weightlifting equipment where intimidating biceps were curling impressive amounts of weight. So while there may have been no judgment, there was a good deal of, shall we call it, personal self-critique.

“Thinking that maybe one day we could look like the person on the promotional material, Kim and I decided that we would give the center a try. The representative then produced a contract with no commitment (pause and think about that for a few minutes). We were assured that we could cancel anytime, no matter what nobody was going to judge us.

“As we placed initials and signatures on paper, we were presented with a document labeled “Terms and Conditions.” Printed on this digital document was a list of do’s and don’ts, what would be permitted and what would be impermissible. Actions which the company had “judged” to be inappropriate and inconsistent with corporate objectives and customer safety. Then it dawned on me, at Planet Fitness, judgment free does not mean rule free” (Major Dalton, preaching.com).

Christians live in a “judgment free” zone.  Jesus Himself said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life” (John 5:24).  But that doesn’t mean that a life of faith is rule free.  Those who love Christ will endeavor to keep His commandments (John 14:15).  Perhaps we can call it “Kingdom Fitness.”

God loves you!


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