Monday, December 2, 2019

The Art Of Gratitude

“In 2008 a young Australian woman, Hailey Bartholomew, found that she wasn’t enjoying life. She described herself as feeling lost and stuck on a treadmill. It was almost inexplicable. She was married to a man she loved and had beautiful children who held her heart. So why was she feeling so down about her life? Hailey sought the counsel of a nun, who advised her to spend time each day reflecting on something for which she was grateful. Hailey began a project called “365grateful”. Every day she took a photograph of something for which she was grateful.
“It changed her life, for it allowed her to see things she had never noticed. Hailey had always thought of her husband as unromantic. One day she took a picture of him serving up dinner, the thing which she was grateful for that day. She noticed for the first time that the largest portion of pie was placed on her plate. She realised that the largest portion was always placed on her plate and that this was one small but profound way her husband showed his care for her. Hailey had found mothering a “boring job”, but as she took photos of her children holding out their hands to her, playing and exploring, she discovered how much joy and wonder there was in her world. Through the art of gratitude Hailey found herself lifted out of her rut and celebrating life.”*
If cameras had been available in the first century, I can imagine the apostle Paul having an album full of reminders of his gratefulness.  There would be pictures of the churches he had helped to establish.  Scattered throughout would be candid shots of fellow missionaries who had worked alongside of him in sharing the gospel.  Perhaps there would be photos of some of the places his travels had taken him.
Paul was a grateful man and he encouraged gratefulness in others (Colossians 3:17).  There is much for which to be thankful in our world.  Sometimes we just have to train our eyes to see it.

God loves you!

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