Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sealed By God

            Chapter six of Revelation ends with a question asked by those who were attempting to hide themselves from the presence of God and the wrath of the Lamb.: “...and who is able to stand?”  Six seals were opened by the resurrected Lord in chapter six, each progressively building toward the unleashing of God’s wrath on Judah and Jerusalem.  The opening of the seventh seal would be the visualization of that judgment.  Would anyone be able to escape the wrath to come?  Could anyone stand in the face of such judgment?  According to chapter seven, the answer is “yes.”
            Angels are pictured as holding back the vengeance of God until something important could be done -- the sealing or marking of those who were faithfully serving God.  This is reminiscent of another marking done centuries earlier during the time of Ezekiel.  The prophet had been chosen to deliver another message of doom for Jerusalem because of the sins of the people and their desecration of God’s temple.  But before the judgment fell, someone was sent throughout the city to mark those who “...sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst” (Ezekiel 9:1-4).  These faithful ones, like the ones sealed in Revelation, were marked for the special protection of God.
            The message of Revelation seven is that the faithful, regardless of what happens as God pours out His wrath, will one day stand as victorious overcomers before the throne of God.  He will bring them through the great tribulation (cf. Matthew 24:21).  It may be through escape or through martyrdom, but either way they will have access to the blessings associated with the presence of God.
            Paul told Timothy that “...the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, “The Lord knows those who are His…” (2 Timothy 2:19).  What a comforting thought!  Even though He has a huge family, I am specifically known and loved.  I’m not just another face in the crowd of humanity.  I am marked as someone special to Him.

God loves you!

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