Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Freedom And Obligation

The ideological rifts in our country appear to be getting wider and deeper.  It seems that freedom of expression, in word and deed, is becoming a privilege which we are finding increasingly difficult to handle.  Matt Dabbs offers a reason why this is happening:
“We have emphasized freedom without pairing it with obligation. When you have been set free it comes with a response of obligation to others…the desire for them to also experience the same kind of freedom you have been given. Freedom without obligation is the slave master mentality. I get my way and I have no obligation to you.
Obligation without freedom is slavery. I must do what you say regardless of how I feel about it. One without the other is abusive.
“We are seeing people today expressing extremist positions – neo-nazisim, KKK, you name it. They are exercising their freedom without pairing that freedom with an obligation to their fellow man. You have the freedom to say many things but what you say has repercussions. Freedom does not mean freedom from the consequences of your actions. If what I see on social media is any indication, some seem to be unaware of this.
“We need to uphold our freedom AND understand the obligation to others that comes with it. This has been lost today and it must be reclaimed if we are to have any chance of engaging in a healthy dialog toward a brighter future. The church must lead the way on this” (Matt Dabbs, “Racial Tension and the Need for Freedom and Obligation,” wineskins.org, 8-14-17).
This isn’t a new problem, by the way.  Humans have always had a hard time balancing freedom and obligation.  Both Peter and Paul had to counsel disciples of Christ to exercise their freedom responsibly.  True freedom should never be used to indulge our fleshly desires or as a front for evil practices (1 Peter 2:16; Galatians 5:13).  To do so is an abuse of freedom and puts us in danger of forfeiting it.  And reform starts with us.

God loves you!

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