Tuesday, March 20, 2012


“The world's tallest man appears to have finally stopped growing after treatment at the University of Virginia Medical Center. Sultan Kosen, who stands an incredible 8 ft, 3 in tall, made his first visit to the hospital in Charlottesville, Va, in May 2010 for treatment, the UVA said in a statement. The 29-year-old, from Turkey, suffers from acromegaly which is triggered by a tumor in the pituitary gland. The tumor causes a large amount of growth hormone to be produced, which can lead to gigantism if it begins before puberty. Kosen was treated by endocrinologist Dr. Mary Lee Vance, who placed him on a new medication to help control the production of growth hormone and stop his continuous growth. Neurosurgeon Dr. Jason Sheehan then performed Gamma Knife radiosurgery in August 2010. Gamma Knife radiosurgery is a non-invasive procedure that delivers a focused beam of radiation guided by MRI to a specific part of a patient's body. Around three months ago, Kosen's doctors in Turkey told Sheehan that he had finally stopped growing” (foxnews.com; 3-13-12)

Growth can be frightening when it causes physical problems like it does for Mr. Kosen. Thankfully, we have nothing to fear from spiritual growth. The Scriptures affirm that “...the righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12). We are encouraged to desire the word of God like a baby desires milk so that we can “...grow in respect to salvation” (1 Peter 2:2). Instead of succumbing to error, we are to “...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

God never discourages positive growth. We never have to worry about growing too much. In fact, we need more spiritual giants. The same God who expects us to grow equips us and enables us to do it. Spiritual growth is not an option for the child of God. It is not a job we can leave to others. Lord, please help us to be giants for you.

God loves you!


Mom said...

I am usually just a "lurker." I think it is about time I let you know that I appreciate your messages.

Mike Anderson said...

Thanks for reading!