Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Courage For The Road Ahead

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Immediately coming up out of the water, He saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him; and a voice came out of the heavens: ‘You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased’” (Mark 1:9-11).

Jesus was standing on the threshold of His earthly ministry. The next three years of His life would include much conflict and turmoil. There would be victories but also many setbacks. Eventually, He would be betrayed, abandoned, and crucified. The view of the road ahead was enough to make even the most courageous man tremble.

Considering the task before Him, what was it that Jesus needed most at this point? An army to help Him conquer His enemies? A well-oiled public relations team to help break down resistance to His message? Political allies who could open doors to advance His agenda with those in power? As Jesus began His life’s work, we find that He had none of these “advantages” – in fact, He actively avoided them.

What was it that Jesus needed most? The affirmation of His Father. And that is exactly what He received as He stepped out on the road to the cross. “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” How those words must have helped to calm whatever anxieties Jesus may have been experiencing! How reassuring it must have been to know that He had the unqualified backing of His Heavenly Father! Is it any wonder that Jesus took everything the world could throw at Him and still completed His mission?

As children of God, we also enjoy the affirmation of our Father. We are emboldened to complete our own missions, even in the face of struggle, because we have the backing of our God. We will overcome, not because of who we are, but because of Whose we are. Paul’s words still ring true: “If God is for us, who is against us?” (Romans 8:31)

God loves you!

1 comment:

Lori J. said...

Thanks, Mike! I needed to read that reminder of Who I belong to as I continue the road ahead of me.