Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Dare Not Boast

“For by God’s grace, I am a special messenger from Christ Jesus to you Gentiles. I bring you the Good News so that I might present you as an acceptable offering to God, made holy by the Holy Spirit. So I have reason to be enthusiastic about all Christ Jesus has done through me in my service to God. Yet I dare not boast of anything except what Christ has done through me, bringing the Gentiles to God by my message and by the way I worked among them” (Romans 15:15b-18; NLT).

Boasting is a common human malady and religion is not immune to the disease. Preachers can be especially susceptible to the virus. Resumes are filled with impressive lists of “look what I have done” (degrees held, meetings conducted, number of conversions or responses, lectureships attended, books written, etc.). Sadly, churches have encouraged such a mindset. After all, when we set out to hire a minister, we want someone who can “produce the goods.” So there is a subtle (and, sometimes, not so subtle) pressure to “look better” than the next guy. The same spirit is also seen in the competition between congregations. Groups seek to attract attendees by touting their size, their programs, their soundness, or their worship experience. Too often, the message seems to be: “Look at us! Look at what we have to offer!”

In the face of such boasting, it is refreshing to consider the attitude of the apostle Paul. He could certainly compare resumes with the best in his profession. Yet, when he considered his service for God, all he could humbly utter was: “...I dare not boast of anything except what Christ has done through me...” For Paul, it was not about what he had done or what he could offer. The focus was to be on Christ, not on Paul.

“Usually the greatest boasters are the smallest workers. The deep rivers pay a larger tribute to the sea than shallow brooks, and yet empty themselves with less noise” (W. Secker).

God loves you!

1 comment:

Warren Baldwin said...

As always, good post.

How was your guys trip to YBC? Or have you been yet?