Friday, February 27, 2009

God Is Still On His Throne

One of the lead articles in the February 2009 issue of the Christian Chronicle dealt with reactions among Christians to the election of Barack Obama as 44th president of the United States. As to be expected, opinions were varied. Some were elated while others were not. Such is to be expected in any political election. The response of one particular woman did catch my attention. Speaking of Mr. Obama’s inauguration, she said: “This means that God is still on the throne.” So…are we to conclude, then, that God would have abdicated if anyone other than Mr. Obama had won? Sorry, but I can’t let that one slide by without comment.

I promise that this won’t be a foray into partisan politics. I realize that Mr. Obama’s election is a historic one and full of meaning for many people. I pray for him just as I have prayed for other leaders of our country. He will have his victories and failures just like every other president in our nation’s history. Will he prove to the kind of leader our country needs? Who knows? You have your opinion and I have mine, but it is much too early to tell.

There is one thing of which I am certain. The election of any particular human leader is not a barometer of God’s sovereignty. God remains on the throne regardless of who leads our country (or any other country for that matter). While God in interested in and works in human affairs (including politics), His dominion over the universe is not dependent upon who occupies the Oval Office.

I don’t sit in judgment over the motives or emotions of the woman who made the statement. I realize it is easy to get caught up in a moment and say something in an interview which you might have rephrased after thinking about it. Perhaps she meant it as it came across or perhaps she didn’t. Either way, I am thankful I serve a God Who remains on His throne regardless of who is on any earthly throne.

God loves you!

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