Last Thursday Carol and I took our girls to Apple Hill. Those of you who live here know ~why~ we picked Thursday.........for those of you who don't traffic is a nightmare on the weekend. We started off the day with an apple doughnut from Able's Acres then went to Plubells and spent most of the morning there. We walked the nature trail, fed the animals, tried out the tire swing, picked out pumpkins and they all got their faces painted. On the way home we went to O'Hallorans for apples and apple butter. All four of the girls had a wonderful time.
oh we miss apple hill. that is one thing mike and i were talking about, how we would have spent so much time there this season having a little now and all. looks like lot of fun!!!!
what fun! we love apple hill too! was that the day you had your pics taken up there? wish we could have been there with you!
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