Saturday, June 29, 2024

Flying By Instruments

“Any person who takes flying lessons comes to the time when he or she must learn to fly the plane by the instruments only, rather than sight. Why is that so important? Some day that pilot may be in a storm and experience vertigo–the loss of the sense of equilibrium. When that happens, the senses can’t tell you anything about where you’re going–up or down, straight or to the side. At that point, the pilot must not trust his senses; he must rely on the instruments.”*

There are times in life when it’s easy to pilot the plane of life.  Skies are crystal clear and the sun is shining bright.  Sure, we still need God’s help, but we are doing pretty well, it seems, using our own senses and skills.  But there are other times when it’s difficult to see the way ahead.  The fog of confusion sets in.  Clouds of doubt envelop us, obscuring the sun, and we can’t get our bearings.  It’s in these times we must trust God’s guidance rather than lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).  We must lean on faith instead of sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

This makes me think of the woman with the bleeding problem (Mark 5:25-34).  She had tried all the things she could see and things had just got worse.  As a last resort, she began to fly by the instruments of faith.  Even though her bleeding made her unclean, she risked reaching out to touch just the garments of the One Who had healed others.  I can imagine her closing her eyes as she did it.  Did she dare hope?  Would it work for her? The words of Jesus say it all: “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your affliction” (Mark 5:34).

Flying by instruments in spiritual matters can be initially frightening.  But as you learn to trust the gauges, it gets easier.  God will never lead you astray.

God loves you!




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