Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It Takes Time

“A husband and wife take hours and days and years to know each other, and yet some would know God before the parking meter expires. Lifetime questions take a lifetime; questions of conscience require conscience; issues of morals and religion can be handled only after one has achieved some size, some dimensions of pathos, sympathy, concern and sensitivity” (Fred C. Craddock, Overhearing the Gospel,

We have become a culture that doesn’t like to wait. “Veruca Salt ain't got nothing on us. We are a society that revels in instant gratification. Our food is fast, our Internet is high speed, and our shipping is next day. If we don't have to wait for something, why should we? What would be the point?” (Jennifer Baumgartner, “I Want It…Now!”, We have been conditioned to expect instant results. While that may not be problematic in many areas of life, it can be unrealistic in others. Take spirituality, for example.

As He prayed to His Father on behalf of His disciples, Jesus said, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). It’s clear -- we must know God and His Son to have eternal life. But knowing God is not an instantaneous endeavor. It’s something in which we grow and mature. By faith, we come to know God initially, but that initial knowledge becomes more full and intimate as we learn and grow in our relationship with Him.

In the article referenced above, Baumgartner continued her thoughts: “Sometimes we want something instantly when it would be better for it to have happened more slowly...getting married, having children, leaving a job, having our dreams come true, even possessing our most coveted items. Sometimes better things do come to those who wait.” As Craddock says: “Lifetime questions take a lifetime.” Don’t be frustrated in your quest to know God. It won’t happen overnight and that is okay. True knowledge takes time. And each of us has all the time we need. Take time to know God.

God loves you!



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