Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Greatest Day Of Her Life

“On February 27, 1991, during the Desert Storm War, a woman by the name of Ruth Dillow received the worst call of her life. Her son, Clayton Carpenter, Private First Class, had stepped on a land mine and was dead. For the next three days she grieved. No one could comfort her.  On the third day after receiving the terrible news, the phone rang. On the other end of the phone there was a voice that said, “Mom, it’s me. I’m alive.” At first she thought it was a cruel joke, but as the conversation continued, she realized it was her son.  Later she said she laughed and cried and rejoiced because what seemed to be a hopeless situation turned out to be the greatest day of her life.”*

Imagine what it must have been like for Mary, the mother of Jesus, to witness her Son die.  The Scriptures do not speak of her specific reaction but we do know she was present at the horrible event (John 19:25).  How utterly heart-rending it must have been for her!  And even though she knew the true identity of Jesus better than anyone else, we are given no reason to think that she expected Him to be resurrected anymore than anyone else.  Likely she shared in the same grief, fear, and despondency that filled the disciples of the Lord in the dark hours between Jesus’ death and the following Sunday morning.

And what a Sunday morning it was!  As the news raced through the band of followers of Jesus, things changed.  Grief gave way to astonishment.  Fear gave way to excitement.  Despondency gave way to wonder.  How unbelievable it must have seemed when Mary first heard the words: “He is risen!”  Could it really be true?  As the earthly mother of the Son of God, Mary had a relationship with Jesus that was truly unique.  But even for her, the resurrection of Jesus Christ would prove to be the day that changed everything.

God loves you!

*Source: Los Angeles Times, March, 3, 1991; via ministry127.com

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