Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Could God Be Here?

Jacob was on his way to Paddan-aram to see his relatives and, hopefully, find a wife. Recent events at home had been disruptive to say the least. His mother had convinced him to deceive his father and steal his twin brother’s blessing. Now, Esau was threatening to kill him because of it. The more distance he put between himself and his murderous brother, the better.

The sun was setting as Jacob stopped to make camp for the night. Not long after leaning his head against a stone pillow and closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep. But this night would not prove to be very restful. Strange dreams filled his mind. He saw an enormous ladder stretching from earth all the way up to heaven. Angels of God were going up and down the ladder, with God Himself standing at the top. As the dream unfolds, the Lord extends the same covenantal promises to Jacob that He had offered to Abraham and Isaac.

Jacob awoke with a start. While he may not have understood the full significance of what had just happened, there was no doubt in his mind as to Who had just communicated with him. He blurts out: “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!” (Genesis 28:16). It appears that Jacob certainly never expected to encounter the God of heaven at a lonely campsite in the wilderness.

God has a knack of showing up in the most unexpected places. He could show up in a fiery furnace. Just ask Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. You might find Him in prison. Just talk with Joseph, Paul, or Silas. He could be in the midst of terrible pain and struggle. Ask Job. He was with Jeremiah in a cistern. He was with Elijah in a cave. He was with Stephen in a barrage of stones. He was with Jesus on a cross and in a tomb.

Be on the lookout! Keep your eyes wide open! You never know where you might encounter God.

God loves you!

1 comment:

Sydni said...

I've been following your articles on this blog for awhile now and greatly appreciate. Thank you. (I'm Sunny Folding's sister.)