Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Marathon Mentality

The 2008 Olympic women’s marathon was won by Constantina Tomescu-Dita of Romania. To win her gold medal, she ran for a total of 26 miles and 365 yards. She ran, non-stop, for 2 hours, 26 minutes and 44 seconds. And, to put an exclamation point on the feat, she did it at 38 years of age! As I watched the television coverage of the race, I was reminded of what it takes to win a marathon.

First, it takes stamina. As the race progressed, pain and exhaustion became more and more evident on Tomescu-Dita’s face. Her lungs and muscles had to be crying out for her to stop the torture. And yet, her training and determination enabled her to push through the pain and on to victory.

Second, it takes concentration. At about the half-way point of the race, Tomescu-Dita began to put some distance between herself and the rest of the front-runners. She increased her lead until, at one point, she was at least a full minute ahead of her competitors. But I never saw her look back over her shoulder until near the end of the race. Marathons are won by concentrating on the goal ahead of you and not by worrying about what is behind you.

Third it takes encouragement. The Beijing marathon course was arranged in such a way that the stadium which was home to the finish line came into the runner’s view when they were still over a mile away. Commentators spoke of the boost of adrenaline that sight would provide to Tomescu-Dita when she could finally see that her goal was within reach.

The Christian life is much like a marathon race. If we hope to be victorious, we will also need stamina, concentration and encouragement (Hebrews 12:1-3). When Tomescu-Dita entered the stadium for her final lap before the finish line, the entire crowd rose from their seats and cheered her on. Faithful saints of all the ages are cheering you on to spiritual victory. Are you determined to finish the race (2 Timothy 4:7-8)?

God loves you!

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