“If Jonah came out of the great fish, if Daniel came out of the lion’s den, if Lazarus came out of the tomb, you will also come out of your problems. If you believe, amen.”
The nugget of “wisdom” shared above showed up on my Facebook feed the other day. The words were not attributed to anyone so I can’t give credit to the originator. I want to be charitable so I’m going to assume that the one who posted it had the best of intentions rather than merely seeking clicks and responses to boost his or her page. Perhaps they were sincerely trying to encourage someone who was facing problems in their lives. But this is an example of what some call “bumper sticker theology.” While it may sound good, even “biblical,” let me share some thoughts for your consideration.
First, this is not a quote from the Bible. And, in fairness, it wasn’t presented as such. But remember, just because something sounds “biblical,” it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is. Just because Bible characters and stories are referenced and Bible concepts (like belief) are included, that doesn’t make it a true statement.
Second, just because God rescued Jonah and Daniel and He raised Lazarus from the dead, that doesn’t automatically mean that “you WILL come out of your problems.” Does God have the power to deliver you out of your problems like He delivered Jonah, Daniel, and Lazarus? Certainly. Does that mean He will? Not necessarily. He may or may not. God may miraculously deliver you or He may not. He may walk through the problem with you. Either way, God is still taking care of you.
Third, what’s the big deal anyway, preacher? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? No, I’m concerned about the fallout from bad theology. You see, if I believe that God WILL miraculously deliver me from my problems and then He doesn’t, it can easily lead to doubts about God and\or my faith when the real problem is false expectations caused by bumper sticker theology.
God loves you!